The Wolf rank is for Scouts entering 2nd grade as of June 1. To earn the Wolf badge, a Scout must complete six required adventures and one elective adventure. The Scout’s parent or guardian and Den Leader approves each requirement by signing the Scout’s book, and the Scout receives an adventure loop for each adventure. When the Scout has met all requirements, they are presented the Wolf badge during an impressive ceremony.
- Complete the six Wolf Required Adventures.
- Complete one Wolf Elective Adventure of your den or family’s choosing.
- With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide.
- Earn the Cyber Chip award for your age (or the Protect Yourself Rules Preview Adventure in its place).

Call of the Wild

Council Fire

Duty to God (Footsteps)

Howling at the Moon

Paws on the Path

Running with the Pack
After earning the Wolf badge, a Wolf Scout can work on the remaining 9 Wolf electives until finished with the second grade (or turning 9 years old).
The Scout can choose elective adventures and discover new hobbies or learn skills that will be useful during the Scouting adventure. When an elective adventure is completed, an additional adventure loop to be worn on the belt is awarded.

Adventures in Coins

Air of the Wolf

Code of the Wolf

Cubs Who Care

Digging in the Past

Finding Your Way

Germs Away

Paws of Skill

Spirit of the Water
Cub Scouting is all about adventure! To earn their rank badge, Wolf Scouts complete thir required “adventures,” which are collections of themed, multidisciplinary activities. They also complete safety exercises. With your friends and leaders, it’s a lot of fun!