Each of the ranks and awards in Cub Scouting has its own requirements. As you advance through the ranks, the requirements get more challenging, to match the new skills and abilities you learn as you get older.

Lion, Tiger, Wolf, and Bear Scouts earn adventure loops to be worn on their belt, and Webelos Scouts earn pins they can wear on their Webelos colors or Webelos cap.


Just as Cub Scouts can earn individual awards for themselves, they can also work together to earn these awards.


The Conservation Good Turn Award is an opportunity for Scout units to join with conservation or environmental organizations (federal, state, local, or private) to carry out a conservation Good Turn in their home communities.

Working together in the local community, the unit and the agency plan the details and establish the date, time and location for carrying out the project.


The International Spirit Award is a temporary emblem that is awarded to registered Scouts and Scouters who have completed the necessary requirements, have gained a greater knowledge of international Scouting, and have developed a greater appreciation and awareness of different cultures and countries.


Scouting is a worldwide organization and encourages youth and adults to share their culture and heritage with others.

Youth and adults may wear this strip if they show their knowledge of a foreign language or the sign language for the hearing impaired by carrying on a five-minute conversation in this language, translating a two-minute speech or address, writing a letter in the language (does not apply for sign language) and translating 200 words from the written word.


When Scouts are having a great time they naturally want to invite friends who are not involved to join. To recognize those Cub Scouts who recruit a friend to join the pack, there is the recruiter strip.

This patch is worn on the bottom left pocket of the uniform. When a Cub Scout invites friends to join the pack, once one of those friends has joined, they earn the patch.


A Scout is reverent. To encourage members to grow stronger in their faith, the Boy Scouts of America has approved of these programs and allows the emblems to be worn on the official uniform.

The various religious groups administer the programs. Religious Emblem, typically a medal, are not a Scouting award; however, they may be worn on the upper left pocket of the Cub Scout uniform.


Cub Scout Nova Awards may be earned by Wolves, Bears, Webelos, and Arrow Of Light Scouts. The NOVA Awards program incorporates learning with cool activities and exposure to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics for Cub Scouts.

For their first Nova award, Scouts earn the distinctive Nova award patch. After that, a Scout can earn three more Nova awards, each one recognized with a separate pi (π) pin-on device that attaches to the patch.

Awards for Leaders and Volunteers

Cub Scouts can also earn awards for their whole den or their pack. Getting together to work on these awards is a great way to practice teamwork and to show every Cub Scout how important they are as a member of their den or pack.


Just as you recognize Cub Scouts with service stars, adult leaders are also eligible to receive these pins. After one year of service an adult may be presented with a one-year service star. An adult who has been involved in Scouting as a youth or has been involved for more than five years is also eligible for the Veteran Award.


This award recognizes den leaders who have completed training, tenure, and performance requirements.

It is available for Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos den leaders and can be earned in each position, but tenure must be completed separately for each award. In addition to a certificate and a medal, a yellow square knot on a blue background is available to wear on the uniform.


This award can be presented to registered Cub Scout adult leaders who have two years’ tenure in the pack and have completed position-specific training and other performance requirements designed to encourage and recognize those who give of their resources to make the pack successful. Tenure does not need to be in the same position. In addition to a certificate and medal, a green square knot on a khaki background is available to wear on the uniform.


This award is for Cub Scout adult leaders with three years’ tenure—including at least two years as Cubmaster—who have completed training and other performance requirements. The Cubmaster’s Key is also a great way to incorporate a succession plan for Cubmaster. In addition to a certificate and medal, a green-and-white square knot on a khaki background is available to wear on the uniform.