Webelos stands for “We’ll Be Loyal Scouts.” As Webelos near the end of the Cub Scout trail, it’s time for them to embrace that pledge and prepare for the next leg of the journey: Scouts BSA.
Webelos and their families should be familiar and comfortable with the youth and adult leaders of the Scouts BSA troop, their role in the troop and troop activities, and feel excited about beginning this new adventure.
Den Leaders and parents should start visiting with local Scouts BSA Troops by going to meetings and attending activities, including camping trips.
Below is information on some Troops in the Bartlett area as well as important questions and evaluation forms to help you and your Scout in the decision-making process.

Troop 261
Meetings: Mondays at 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Location: Bartlett Woods Church of Christ, Old Brownsville Rd, Bartlett, TN
Website: https://www.troopwebhost.org/Troop261Bartlett/Index.htm